I want to have a deep and broad discussion with you about how you live your life. What works well and what doesn’t, which areas of life flow and which ones are stuck, what is the focus in the foreground and what is neglected in the background? We will draw on psychology, science, philosophy, ethics, politics and religion to try to get new angles on the project that is you, and draw from literature and art to illuminate the dilemmas and difficulties you face. Life’s inevitable distress makes us anxious, sad, resigned or angry. We may try to manipulate an unbearably hostile world in order to keep safe in it, be hypervigilant for any sign of danger, or hopelessly accept any suffering coming our way. All these ways of interacting with life and the world make sense, and work to some extent even though they have massive drawbacks. We must understand the benefits of keeping safe in order to consider daring to come out of our fear, and then we must work hard to change our old habits. By understanding and owning our approach to life, we are more able to adjust to or indeed actively change our life or situation. I work with adults, children, couples and organisations in Bristol, UK and internationally. I am a registered Existential Psychotherapist (UKCP), Child Psychotherapist (UKCP), Counselling Psychologist (BPS, HCPC), and Supervisor (UKCP, BPS RAPPS). I charge £120 for a 50 minute session (£150 for organisations) and work in a focused way, which generally entails meeting weekly for up to three months.
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